MASLOW SPACE ADVENTURE es un juego de roles que se realiza con los estudiantes del Colegio Abraham Maslow y su Jardín Infantil International Garden para hacer más amable la cuarentena. Cada semana presentamos capítulo lleno de misiones, ciencia y astronomía.

En este Noticiero se presenta un resumen de MASLOW SPACE ADVENTURE hasta el mes de junio 2020. *

1- En mayo desciframos un extraño mensaje extraterrestre y preparamos nuestras naves espaciales.

2- El 6 de junio 2020 emprendimos nuestro viaje a través del espacio.

3- Nuestra primera estación fue en la Luna.

4- La siguiente estación fue Marte y continuaremos por Júpiter, el Cinturón de Kuiper, el asteroide MU69… hasta salir del sistema solar hacia Macondo y Melquíades.

Puedes suscribirte al canal y ser el primero en ver las aventuras y las misiones por el espacio.

BREAKING NEWS Let me tell you a great story. A story that can save the emotional health of children in this quarantine. Right now, there is a group of students from Abraham Maslow School and INTERNATIONAL GARDEN traveling through SPACE to a star called MACONDO and an exoplanet called MELQUÍADES… How did this happen? In 2019 Abraham Maslow School students won a Contest of the International Astronomical Union called: NAMEXOPLANET and baptized the first star and the first exoplanet in Colombia, located in the ANTLIA Constellation, with the name of MACONDO and MELQUÍADES. Names inspired by the book 100 YEARS OF SOLITUDE by the Colombian Nobel Prize winner, Gabriel García Márquez. In the MASLOW SPACE ADVENTURE story, the Astronomy Club students “sent a greeting to space”, a greeting to the new star of Colombia… they said; HELLO!!!…. And a couple months later they received in response a mysterious alien message, coming from the CONSTELLATION OF ANTLIA…. Their first mission was to decrypt this strange message…. And they did it! The message said: «We are friends from Macondo and Melquíades. Thank you for naming our planet. We know that there is a virus that wants to invade the entire galaxy. We have the solution. You have to come to Macondo and Melquíades. Quick! build your space ships. We have the solution». The students decided to build their spaceships … and start this new adventure. On June 6th they launched towards space … Here begins MASLOW SPACE ADVENTURE Now our young astronauts will travel through the solar system . They will first go to the moon. Then they will continue their journey to Mars, Jupiter, the Kuiper belt … and then, they will go beyond the solar system towards MACONDO and MELQUIDES … What adventures await them? What can these brave young astronauts learn? Can they find in Melquíades the solution to the virus that wants to invade the galaxy? Will they be able to return to Earth in time? Do not miss this wonderful story . Follow the chapters every week and carry out your missions. Here at MASLOW SPACE ADVENTURE